Across our website you’ll notice many mentions of DLC Certification and you may be wondering “What is DLC Certification?” and “Why should I care?”.
DLC is an acronym for DesignLights Consortium. DLC promotes lighting solutions amongst the commercial sector through collaborative efforts of federal, state, and local utilities & energy efficiency programs, lighting designers, lighting manufacturers, and other industry members throughout the United States and Canada in order to bring about higher quality and efficiency standards in commercial lighting.
DLC maintains a list of products (referred to as the QPL) that are held to their high standards of quality and efficiency. This (QPL) Quality Products List is trustworthy list provided by DLC of products that meet their strict standards for quality and efficiency.
People seek DLC products very often to facilitate a lighting rebate. Check with your local energy provider to find out about lighting rebates that may be available in your area or visit and search by zip code.